


PEI MAX® - Transfection Grade Linear Polyethylenimine Hydrochloride (MW 40,000)

High Potency Linear Polyethylenimine - A New Cationic Polymer

Polysciences, Inc. is pleased to announce the availability of a nearly fully hydrolyzed linear polyethylenimine with longer contiguous ethyleneimine segments. Polyethylenimine "Max" is built from the same polymer backbone (Mw 25,000) as the popular linear polyethylenimine. Despite the fact N-deacylation reactions are notoriously difficult, our new linear polyethylenimine material is believed to contain more than 11% additional free (protonatable) nitrogens than our original linear polyethylenimine material (Cat. # 23966). Estimates¹ of the average number of repeating ethyleneimine units ranges to around 581 segment, resulting in dramatically increased lengths of protonatable nitrogens. Our material is supplied as a hydrochloride salt for ease of handling but may be converted into the free amine form by neutralization with base.


*Molecular Weight (Mw): Mw in free base form. Nominal 40,000 Mw in hydrochloride salt form. (Comparable to Cat. #23966 - Polyethylenimine, Linear, Mw 25,000 which is not in the hydrochloride salt form)

Chemical Structure: Hydrochloride salt of linear polyethylenimine

Solubility: Highly water soluble in hydrochloride salt form

For the use of PEI in an antimicrobial coating, see Klibanov et. al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 102, no. 16, 5679-5684 (2005). Published on-line prior to printing on 4/11/05.

FTIR Spectrum of Polyethylenimine "Max" 40,000 (Equivalent to Mw 25,000 in Free Base Form)

Elemental Analysis of Polyethylenimine "Max" 40,000 (Equivalent to Mw 25,000 in Free Base Form)

Theoretical Carbon: 30.20 Theoretical Nitrogen: 17.62 Theoretical Chloride: 44.57
Found Carbon: 29.92 Found Nitrogen: 17.35

Found Chloride: 44.25

Cat.# 容量 定価
24765-1 1 g ご照会
24765-100 100 g ¥44,700

M.W.: 25000
保管温度&取扱: 室温保管、手袋・保護眼鏡を着用し、ドラフト内で作業

製品のお見積りご依頼時は、「製品コード」と「数量」を必ず明記してください。 海外輸入製品につき、製品コードおよび数量がありませんとお見積りいたしかねます。

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