


Ethylene-vinyl acetate, 20% ethylene, fine powder

New from Polysciences, Inc. - A Redispersible Polymer

Announcing an Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA) copolymer that is available as a free flowing powder that can easily be redispersed to form a latex dispersion!

Now….All the properties of a latex in a solid polymer product.

Some applications require a 100% dry solids polymer that can be pre-mixed with other solid additives. Addition of water to the mixture allows the polymer to re-disperse back into a latex polymer forming a final composite that is adhesively bonded by the polymer in the mixture.

For these special applications, a solid grade high molecular weight polymer that will reform a latex dispersion in water is ideal!

Composition: Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate Copolymer with approximately 20 weight % ethylene and 80 weight % vinyl acetate

Stabilization: The powder is stablized with a vinyl alcohol to allow it to remain free flowing but easily redispersible in water

Solids Content: 99 +/- 1%

Particle Size: 1-7 micron dominant sizes; max 4% over 40 mesh

Glass Transition: - 7°C (Soft, flexible polymer) (Tg°C)

Just add water to this solid grade polymer and it quickly responds by dispersing into latex particles that are useful bonding agents in composites. After evaporation of the water, a solid article may be formed from admixtures of the polymer and other solid components.

Cat.# 容量 定価
24763-1 1 k ¥97,400
24763-50 50 g ¥15,000

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