Protein G Fluoresbrite® YG Microspheres | ||
Protein conjugated microspheres are offered as: antibodies, Protein A, and Protein G covalently coupled to fluorescent YG, non-fluorescent, and blue dyed polystyrene microspheres. Antibody conjugated microspheres can be used to detect trace amounts of specific antigens in solution and to deplete them from solution. Microspheres coupled with Protein A and Protein G will bind to the Fc portion of antibodies raised in most mammals. | ||
Cat.# | 容量 | 定価 |
21107-1 | 1 ml | ¥ 138,700 |
保管温度&取扱: | 4℃冷蔵保管、凍結厳禁 |
〒113-0021 東京都文京区本駒込1-27-9 TEL 03-3947-7310 FAX 03-3947-7306 |