


Glutaraldehyde, EM Grade, 8% (30 x 10ml)

EM grade is recommended for histochemical or immunological techniques.

Polysciences was the first to develop a superior grade of glutaraldehyde suitable for immunochemical techniques. Each batch of vacuum distilled glutaraldehyde manufactured by Polysciences is analyzed to maintain consistent high quality and freedom from contaminants which destroy antigenicity.

Each ampoule is fitted with an ampoule cracker for added safety.

In an unbiased study comparing glutaraldehyde from six prominent suppliers the Polysciences’ product was the only one which showed practically no contamination by undesirable polymeric products. A recent independent quality control study concluded that no polymers and no impurities at 235nm were present in unopened, refrigerated ampoules, even after four years of storage.

Cat.# 容量 定価  
00216-30 30x10 ml ¥126,000

他法令: 安衛法 / 消防法第4類引火性液体、第3石油類水溶性液体
保管温度&取扱: 4℃冷蔵保管

製品のお見積りご依頼時は、「製品コード」と「数量」を必ず明記してください。 海外輸入製品につき、製品コードおよび数量がありませんとお見積りいたしかねます。

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