

cat .#PC04001

Polystyrene Carboxyl Microsphere 1.0μm
Bangs carboxylate-modified polystyrene latex microspheres are suitable for the covalent immobilization of proteins, peptides, and nucleic acids. They are synthesized via emulsion polymerization, and are available in diameters up to ~20μm, with typical size CVs of 10%. Products are supplied as 10% solids suspension (w/w) in de-ionized water with surfactant and sodium azide. EDAC-mediated coupling is often used for the covalent immobilization of amine-terminated proteins, DNA, or other molecules on carboxyl-functionalized PS and P(S/DVB) microspheres. Carboxyl polymer microspheres are available as ~10% solids (w/w) aqueous suspensions in these standard amounts: 0.5g, 1.0g, 1.5g, and 5.0g.:
Cat.# 容量 定価  
PC04001-0.5 0.5g ¥67,400
PC04001-1.0 1.0g ¥103,000
PC04001-1.5 1.5g ¥144,000
PC04001-5.0 5.0g ご照会

保管温度&取扱: 2-8℃/禁凍結

製品のお見積りご依頼時は、「製品コード」と「数量」を必ず明記してください。 海外輸入製品につき、製品コードおよび数量がありませんとお見積りいたしかねます。

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