

cat .#FCSY006

Polystyrene Fluorescent Carboxyl Microsphere 1.0μm Suncoast Yellow
Fluorescent microspheres are a mainstay in diagnostics and life sciences research, finding use as fluorescent markers, assay substrates, and instrument standards. In order to meet the unique performance criteria required of microparticles in these different applications we stock an extensive inventory of fluorescent microspheres and offer custom dyeing services. Biomolecules may be covalently immobilized to carboxyl-functionalized microspheres. Fluorescent carboxyl microspheres and Europium chelate microspheres are available in these standard volumes: 1mL, 5mL, 10mL, and 100mL. See also our Quantumplex™ kits for suspension array development.:
Cat.# 容量 定価  
FCSY006-1 1mL ¥68,200
FCSY006-5 5mL ¥186,700
FCSY006-10 10mL ¥253,600
FCSY006-100 100mL ご照会

保管温度&取扱: 2-8℃/禁凍結

製品のお見積りご依頼時は、「製品コード」と「数量」を必ず明記してください。 海外輸入製品につき、製品コードおよび数量がありませんとお見積りいたしかねます。

 お問い合わせ  |   お見積り

〒113-0021 東京都文京区本駒込1-27-9
TEL 03-3947-7310 FAX 03-3947-7306